Showing all entries tagged with »medicines«

April 27, 2022

Five Priorities for a Successful EU HTA Procedure

With the European Union’s new Regulation (EU) 2021/2282 on health technology assessment, the evaluation of certain new therapies will now be performed jointly at the European level for the first time. The aims are to speed up access to new… read more

February 26, 2021

HERA: closer coordination in the EU against COVID-19

On 27 January, the European Commission launched the consultation on the European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, HERA for short. The consultation, which main aim is to issue a legislative proposal on the new authority by the end of… read more

February 27, 2020

Rare Disease Day: Celebrating an empowered community

On Rare Diseases Day, EUCOPE is delighted to host an interview with Laurence Woollard, patient expert and rare disease advocate, to discuss with him the importance of an engaged community and the opportunities and challenges new treatments can bring. Hi… read more

March 12, 2019

Are Solutions for Rare Diseases in Jeopardy?

This blog was originally published in French, in Les Echos newspaper. How can we align the progress of medicine with the patients’ needs? How can we ensure that new life-saving medicines continue to be produced? How can Europe keep its… read more