Vitality of the EU Biotech Sector Depends on a Positive EU Policy Direction

Trans-Atlantic Perspectives on the Future of Pharma

The European Health Data Space (EHDS): Ensuring the digital transformation of healthcare in Europe

The Path to Innovation in Rare Diseases comes through Partnerships – A reflection on the EU Pharmaceutical Package

From the EUCOPE Blog archives

Rare Disease Day 2023: A Shared Vision for the EU Rare Disease Ecosystem

February 22, 2023

World Cancer Day 2023: Fostering the EU Advanced Diagnostics Ecosystem to tackle the Cancer Burden

February 2, 2023

Launch Conditionality: What’s at stake?

December 19, 2022

The increasing importance of Real World Evidence (RWE) and the need for a multi-stakeholder approach

October 27, 2022

What is Needed to Reinforce Biopharmaceutical Innovation in Europe?

October 12, 2022

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